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Why does Hong Kong need reforming?

What is the purpose of reform?

How to achieve these goals?

What does reforming Hong Kong have to do with me?

You are welcome to express views and advice regarding our proposals.

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Since the Handover, the “One Country, Two Systems” principle has achieved great success in Hong Kong, but some long-term issues were never resolved and continued to plague society. That led to the breeding of destructive thoughts that deviated from “One Country, Two Systems”, and coupled with malpractices that were not rectified in time, culminated in rampant violence, separatism and social unrest. It was closely followed by the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic which dealt severe blows to the economy and people’s livelihoods. Meanwhile, the global landscape remains complicated and fraught with perils. Western imperialists are doing all they can to besiege China in a desperate bid to ruin our great cause of rejuvenating the Chinese nation. 

Hong Kong shares her destiny with our nation, and our rise and fall are intricately linked. The DAB believes that we must fully put into practice the “One Country, Two Systems” principle during this time of great historical turbulence. We must seize the opportunity for stability brought about by the Hong Kong National Security Law (NSL), proactively tackle challenges and push for reforms to help Hong Kong turn a new chapter. These ensure that one country, two systems can stay its course, thoroughly rid ourselves of political chaos, and build Hong Kong into a stable, prosperous and fair society spearheaded by vigorous economic development, innovation and vitality. Our ideal vision of Hong Kong will allow every resident to live and work in peace and enjoy a good life. Therefore, the DAB proposes its three core beliefs and two action agendas. 

Why does Hong Kong need reforming?


Livelihood issues have accumulated over a long period of time without remedy


 The pandemic is causing the public to suffer untold hardships, and the economy faces a long, arduous road to recovery


Society was radically torn apart by violent riots and the pro-independence camp


“One Country, Two Systems” faces difficult challenges

Hong Kong is in the midst of a historically turbulent time


The global landscape is complicated and unpredictable

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 Western Hegemony is going all out to suppress China’s development by wantonly interfering in Hong Kong’s affairs

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The global pandemic is shaking up the world order


 Ensure “One Country, Two Systems” can stay its course 

 Shake off the turmoil brought about by political chaos 

 Pragmatically solve deep-rooted livelihood and economic issues 


Let’s build a stable, prosperous and fair society
to allow all residents to live in peace and enjoy a beautiful life

What is the purpose of reform?


How to achieve these goals?

Shooting Targets

 Defend national security and Hong Kong’s stability; respect the central government exercising its overall jurisdiction; strengthen governance effectiveness with a “can do” attitude to offer practical solutions for people’s problems. 

Introduce proactive and promising economic policies to integrate Hong Kong into the national development blueprint. Seize opportunities in the Great Bay Area to push for economic diversification and technological innovation, thereby creating more room for growth to benefit Hong Kong’s economy and people. 

The government steps up and fully utilises its public powers to take on powerful vested interests. Breakthrough the root causes that hinder livelihood and economic development, and ensure existing land resources are utilised in ways that are more in line with public interests.

The government must adopt a new way of thinking towards the redistribution of social resources by reforming the tax system to narrow income inequality. Spare no effort to advance social justice to ensure the fruits of economic development can be enjoyed by all classes. 


What does reforming Hong Kong have to do with me?

Hong Kong is the place where we settle down and call home
We must all make the most of our abilities to contribute to Hong Kong’s prosperity and stability
and allow this place we call home to rediscover its glory
so that future generations 
can make a decent life for themselves on this good earth

We hope you agree with our following proposals
so that we may go hand in hand to seek and promote breakthroughs

 Governmental reform 

Push for governmental reform by eliminating bureaucratic rigidity in the civil service system and overly complicated decision-making and administrative procedures.

 Complement our nation 

Push the government to further integrate and complement the economy with our nation’s development blueprint. Make full use of the opportunities brought about by the Greater Bay Area and the Belt and Road Initiative to allow our economy and people more room for growth. 

 Develop more land 

Urge the government to go all out to develop and reclaim land. Shorten the developmental approval and planning process to solve Hong Kong’s severe housing shortage problem.


Urge the government to review its tax system and plug loopholes in social welfare to narrow income inequality and protect grassroots residents.

 Nurture the young 

Push the government to step up its youth work and raise the quality of education to foster a new generation that is both patriotic and possesses world-class vision and professional skills.

 Judicial reform 

Promote a reform of the Judiciary to ensure that the justice system moves with the times and becomes an even more solid foundation for protecting law and order as well as social stability. 





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