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French Missionary Joachim Bouvet
Conducted In-depth Research on the Classic of Changes and Binary Mathematics
During the Reign of the Emperor Kangxi in the Qing Dynasty



經過白晉和萊布尼玆的多返往來及討論,深受中國易經的啟發,萊布尼茲於 1703 年所著之《論只使用符號0和1的二進位算術》正式發表 這篇題為《論只使用符號 0 和 1 的二進位算術,兼論其用途及它賦予遠古中國伏羲圖的意義》 (Explication de l'arithmétique binaire, qui se sert des seuls caractères 0 et 1 avec des remarques sur son utilité et sur ce qu'elle donne le sens des anciennes figures chinoises de Fohy)終於在 1705 年出版的《1703 年皇家科學院年鑑》發表。 可惜當年這篇論文並未引起大太的迴響,傳統的十進位制仍然方便,人們對於二進位制的應用,當時還是未有任何頭緒。 再過兩百多年後,現代電腦的相關技術就緒後,大家才了解二進位制的妙用 回頭看來,就萊布尼茲的鑽研來說,中國易經對於二進位制,以及日後的電腦技術,還是有一定啟發,亦對今後的科技發展甚有貢獻。

Based on multiple exchanges with Joachim Bouvet, Leibniz was deeply inspired by the Classic of Changes and thus officially published the Explanation of Binary Arithmetic, Which Uses Only the Characters 0 and 1, with Some Remarks on its Usefulness, and on the Light it Throws on the Ancient Chinese Figures of Fuxi in 1803. The paper, titled Explanation of Binary Arithmetic, Which Uses Only the Characters 0 and 1, with Some Remarks on its Usefulness, and on the Light it Throws on the Ancient Chinese Figures of Fuxi (Explication de l'arithmétique binaire, qui se sert des seuls caractères 0 et 1 avec des remarques sur son utilité et sur ce qu'elle donne le sens des anciennes figures chinoises de Fohy), was finally published in the 1705 edition of the History of Royal Academy of Sciences in 1703. Unfortunately, at that time, the paper did not attract much attention, as the traditional decimal system remained popular, and there was no clear application for binary systems. Two hundred years later, with the advent of modern computer technology, the true potential of binary systems was realized. Looking back, it's clear that Leibniz's research was indeed inspired by the Classic of Changes, and it contributed significantly to the development of computer technology and science in general.

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